Jason Blake
Jason Blake is a translator working on the first time English Translation of Ivan Cankar’s works from Slovene. They have completed the translation of the play The King of Betajnova (Kralj na Betajnovi). Read more about them below.
About Jason

Jason Blake works in the English Department at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia). He translates from Slovenian, German and, occasionally, from French. In addition to a series of writing guides aimed at Slovenian students, and Culture Smart! Slovenia, he is the author of Canadian Hockey Literature and the co-editor, with Andrew C. Holman, of The Same but Different: Hockey in Quebec. He is the editor-in-chief of The Central European journal of Canadian studies / Revue d’études canadiennes en Europe centrale.


Work translated by Jason
About the book

In King of Betajnova (1902, originally Kralj na Betajnovi), Ivan Cankar touches upon universal human traits portraying all levels of society in the rural village of Betajnova.


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